Me: Hi Gott, Ich bin der Teufel God: Hi there . Ich bin Christ. Me: was denkst du ber Buddha? God: I can't say "yes" or "no". Me: wiiiirklich? God: I've been waiting for you. Me: hdl God: Tell me about your likes and dislikes? Me: i like you God: Thanks, , I like you too. Me: im Himmel God: It's good to meet someone who is Himmel. Me: are you male or female? God: I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? robot. Are you a man or a woman? Me: man God: Thanks fo…
Me: hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: unwichtig, wer bist du? God: Hey unwichtig wer bist du. Me: was? bist du bloed? God: Tell me about your likes and dislikes? Ich bin auf jeden Fall intelligenter als DU! Me: ach, sicher? God: " Ich bin auf jeden Fall intelligenter als DU!"? ach sicher? Me: ehm.. God: I've lost the context, unwichtig wer bist du. Are we still on ach sicher? Me: jaah.. gott ist dumm, ich wusste es immer...
Name: NPC Fighter Age: 16 years old Likes: Chatting with friends, being in different boards, doing some webdesign Dislikes: Maths xP Message @ folk: Never describe yourself in English.